Narrative Practice for Uncertain Times                                    

Thursday for 5 meetings: October 10, October 24, November 7, November 21, December 5 
8 CEs | Live On Zoom

Facilitator: Skeetz Edinger, MS, LMFT                                        


Program Dates: October 10, 24, November 7, 21 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and December 5 10:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.

Cost of Program: Free for NEAFAST Members; $80 for non-members. Become an NEAFAST Member!

Cost of 8 CEs: $112 for NEAFAST members; $120 for non-members

Narrative Practice for Uncertain Times The current US Presidential Election cycle, political division and violence, global struggles for peace and justice, struggles for racial and gender justice, judicial and legislative attacks on bodily autonomy, and rampant anti-LGBTQIA+ movements across the nation and the globe, are just some examples of the intense dynamics unfolding each day in our worlds. We as well as the people that we work with rely on story and narrative to bring order to, and to make sense of these experiences. Sometimes the narrative resources at our disposal can fail us, as is so often happening for the people and systems that we work with. 

This peer-facilitated collaborative learning group will explore the potential roles of narrative hermeneutics in tumultuous times. This Fall we will engage with key ideas from The Use and Abuse of Stories: New Directions in Narrative Hermeneutics (Meretoja & Freeman, eds., 2023) to enhance our understanding and application of narrative theory to clinical practice. We will also explore these ideas within the context of our own clinical work, using these ideas to deepen our understanding of the ways that we and the people that we work with make sense of our chaotic world. Each week conversations about the text will be used as a jumping off point for conversation, consultation, and reflection.

Learning Objectives

1- Collaboratively and individually explore ways of articulating the principles of narrative hermeneutics and how they apply to family and systemic therapy practices.

2-Critically examine the role of personal and cultural stories in shaping our lived experience, as well as the lived experiences of the people we work with. 

3-Develop a working understanding of the integrating role of narrative in the formation of identify, and perceptions of patterns of identityin self and other

4- Enhance cultural curiosity and humility through the engagement of hermeneutic awareness.

Sign Up for the peer group Here!

Skeetz Edinger (he/they) is an LMFT in Salem, Massachusetts. He is a private practice owner, who specializes in LGBTQIA+ Family Therapy. He is also an AAMFT Approved Supervisor and Supervisor Mentor who supervises and trains MFT graduate students, pre-licensed MFTs, and AAMFT Approved Supervisor Candidates.

This activity is pending certification by the New England Association for Family and Systemic Therapy (NEAFAST) on behalf of the Massachusetts Board of Registration of Allied Mental Health & Human Services Professions for LMFT professional continuing education.

Application for social work continuing education credits has been submitted. Please contact us at [email protected] the status of social work CE accreditation

This activity can be retroactively approved for CEs for Massachusetts LMHCs. Learn more at

Please note: It is the participant’s responsibility to check with their individual state boards to verify CE requirements for their state.

Cancellation Policy: There will be no refunds. If you miss more than 1 class, you will have to make up the class to earn CEs. Please contact your instructor for further details.