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Managing Sudden Loss in Schools, Communities, and Workplaces
Thursday, April 11, 2024, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM EDT
Category: CE Events: Children

Description: Sadly, experiences of sudden loss impact many of us in all walks of life. This session will focus on helping respond to those losses as they impact "systems" - schools, organizations, agencies, workplaces, etc. We will share guiding principles for responding to those losses, strategies for communicating the loss, navigating common dilemmas that arise, and specifics about supporting people experiencing grief and/or trauma as a result of the event.Objectives: 1.Participants will be able to identify at least three typical dilemmas encountered by an organization after a sudden loss, and describe a best practice strategy for responding to the dilemma.2.Participants will be able to describe goals and principles to help guide an effective response to a sudden loss. 3.Participants will be able to describe strategies for effective communication following a sudden loss in their organization.

Hosted by Riverside Community Care live online for 2 CEs. Click here for more information